Thursday, October 6, 2011


Honey is one product from bees that is recommended by doctors as natural medicine to healing some diseases.
Despite its sweetness, it has no harm to the health of humans and to crown it all it’s the only food that never spoils.
Most people view bees as hazardous but you can turn those bees hanging on a tree to be beneficial.
Make several beehives or purchase some and install them just below the tree and soon enough the bees will discover a conducive environment to migrate to.

A transparent beehive used by a farmer to produce honey
Make sure the place for rearing bees is safe with regard to predators and disturbance that can agitate the bees and make them dangerous.
During harvesting, make sure you are in safe gear, that is, veil, gloves and a smoker to render the bees harmless.
Another thing you should not forget is to plant seasonal flowers to give the bees ample time in collecting nectar for honey preparation and then get ready to reap big.
Try it out.

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