Monday, September 30, 2013


I have contemplated starting rabbit rearing after weighing the work they will subject me to.

The little research I have done shows that this is a viable farming practice one can venture into provided she/he has good plans.

Rabbits do not feed a lot as chicken, cows or goats and space for their upkeep is quite minimal compared to other rearing ventures.

Their reproduction cycle is quite fast and a doe can kindle up to between 8 and 18 kits (young ones) for up to 7 times a year. This translates to a lot of rabbits. Management is key.

According to Rabbit’s diet should be made up of good quality pellets, fresh hay (timothy or other grass hays), water and fresh vegetables. Anything beyond that is a “treat” and should be given in limited quantities.

The next time you think of venturing into farming, consider rabbit rearing and involve area agricultural officers for detailed advice on disease management and feeds for commercial viability.

When I start mine, I will keep you updated on my progress.